After being homebound for two years, hopefully you are venturing out to enjoy the outdoor world once again. With the Bay Area's beautiful weather and the longer days, seeing the beauty and bounty of nature is certainly refreshing and inspiring for artists. Let us enjoy it all that we can. May your creative spirit spring forth!
One of our long-time members, Betty McGuire, has moved out of the local area to a coastal town. Betty held varied board positions, and we wish to thank her for her many years of service. She most recently was our Awards Chairperson, so this position is now open. It is for someone who can attend most monthly meetings, tally the peer review votes, and award ribbons to the three top winners.
We still need VOLUNTEERS! Our club is run entirely by volunteers. We desperately need more Board Members! There are now 6 important positions to be filled.
Unless some members step up to help out, we might need to temporarily discontinue live demo meetings, the newsletter, and the monthly peer reviews. That would be sad for a club like ours with so much talent! Please contact me if you are interested in any of the openings listed at the end of this newsletter. I can provide further details.
Kennedy Road Art Show + Summer Party
The Kennedy Road Art Show is a yearly week-long event held in Los Gatos at the park-like residence of LGAA members Hershel Abelman and Ingeborg Jakobson. The show is open to local artists of all levels. This year's theme is Reflections. The Party and Show is a simultaneous event, and members are welcome to bring guests. Note that the party takes place in lieu of the LGAA monthly meeting and is open to the public. Members are welcome to bring guests.
I'm looking forward to this exciting event. I hope you are too!
Warmest wishes,
Jane Loomis