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Homex2024 04 April/May/June Newsletter

April/May/June 2024


Sunday, April 14, 1:30 pm

Paul Kratter
Plein Air Landscape Artist

Painting an Iconic California Landscape



Congregation Shir Hadash
20 Cherry Blossom Lane, Los Gatos


 Paul Kratter is an accomplished plein-air artist and Signature Member of the California Art Club. He has a prolific repertoire of oil paintings depicting iconic scenes such as the California Golden Hills, Eastern Sierras, and his signature Eucalyptus and Popler trees. His depth of knowledge, expert skills, and lively personality makes his demos very informative and fun for everyone. While painting, the tales he tells of his adventures in the High Sierras transported by a pack of mules takes plein air painting to a whole new level. Read about Paul and see examples of his work at

Call for Entries
Kennedy Road Art Show
"Water in Motion"

Entry Deadline: June 25

Call for Entries      Submission Details



Letter from the President

Now that beautiful weather has returned to California, I hope you are getting outdoors to enjoy the warm sunshine and revel in nature's beauty. It's a great time of year to renew one's Art Spirit and get new ideas for creative art adventures!

For inspiration, what could be better than attending a demo by a masterful and skilled artist that both educates and entertains? There was a huge turnout April 14th to see Paul Kratter paint and talk about his exciting plein air adventures. Many of our guest artists sell their completed demo pieces right off their easels at deeply discounted rates. However, Paul went a leap further and gave his oil painting away! Knowing the high prices galleries charge for such quality art, it might be worthwhile to attend LGAA's live demos.

Another way to draw inspiration is by visiting LGAA artists' home studios, which are open for public viewing the first three weekends in May. The event is sponsored by Silicon Valley Open Studios (SVOS). I strongly encourage you to visit as many of our fellow artists as you can and see their beautiful art on display. The dates and locations are published in the SVOS Newsletter, which you can view or download at LGAA member participants are listed in this newsletter.

Returning in July is the Kennedy Road Art Show, hosted by Hershel Abelman and Ingeborg Jakobson, both LGAA members. The July 19 to 28 event is at their park-like estate on Kennedy Road in Los Gatos. It includes an art exhibit, opening reception, and a plein air paintout. This year's theme is Water in Motion, and the show is open to LGAA members and non-members alike. The entry deadline is June 25th. Links to the Call for Entries with the schedule of dates and Entry Details are in this newsletter.

I'm happy to inform you that the LGAA Fall Members Juried Show opens on October 1st and will be online. The entry deadline is September 11. Having this much advance notice gives everyone lots of time to create one or more new masterpieces to enter. The juror is John Peck, a well-known portrait artist, and the show coordinators are Sue Levy and Jeff Janoff. The maximum number of entries is three, and any size is allowed. The Call for Entries and Prospectus will be emailed to members and posted on the website.

As a reminder, LGAA's demo meetings are paused for summer break and will resume in September. Have an enjoyable summer!

Warmest regards,
Jane Loomis

LGAA Members Peer Gallery

LGAA features a "Members Peer Gallery."  Members may bring a recent art piece to display at demo meetings.  A competition is held and members vote for their favorite choices.  Each of the top three Artist of the Month winners receives a certificate.  This month the 1st place winner won an LGAA apron.

In addition to getting to see and appreciate the fine work that LGAA members do, all gallery contributors receive one credit point toward the Artist of the Year Award, held at the end of the year.

April 2024
Artist of the Month Winners

From the left-
3rd Place: Ken Wallace, 2nd Place: Kim Smith, 1st Place: LaRhee Webster
Missing from photo, 2nd Place tie: Eileen Cervera


Demo Drawings & Painting Giveaways

As Paul Kratter has done in his past demos at LGAA, he randomly gave away his April 14th demo drawings and his finished oil painting, shown below. Much to the delight of those who attended, this was a very generous gesture and indicative of Paul's long-term friendship with LGAA.


April, May & June Paintsites

Plein Air

Paintouts every Monday 10 am

For more information . . . About Us

April 1, 2024

Bernal Gulnac Joice Ranch, San Jose

Park is at the end of Camino Verde Dr. Park along Camino Verde or Manila Dr. Restrooms, no fees. Click on map symbol for map, address and written directions.


April 8, 2024

Roosevelt Beach, Half Moon Bay

Watch for the sign for Roosevelt Beach (Venice Road) off of HWY 1. There are bathrooms and parking though there is a fee to enter the State Park. Click on map symbol for exact location and written directions.


April 15, 2024

Bear Creek Redwoods, Los Gatos

Meet at the Bear Creek Redwood Preserve Parking Lot. Restrooms available. Click on map symbol for map and written directions.


April 22, 2024

Downtown Campbell

Park in the 3 story garage at the corner of 3rd Street and Civic Center Drive because you may park there for free for an unlimited time. Meet in front of Starbucks, 267 E Campbell Ave, at the corner of N 1st Street and E Campbell Ave, then fan out to our favorite painting spot. Click on map symbol for map and written directions.


April 29, 2024

Joseph D. Grant Park, Mt. Hamilton

Grant Lake Parking lot - look for LGAA Plein Air painters sign. Restrooms at main entrance. Click on map symbol for exact map and written directions.


May 6, 2024

San Gregorio State Beach, San Gregorio

The beach is located 10.5 miles south of Half Moon Bay on Highway 1. Look for LGAA sign, restrooms available. Click on map symbol for map, address and written directions.


May 13, 2024

Municipal Rose Garden San Jose

Park along the road in the neighborhood. Restrooms available. Click on map symbol for map and written directions.


May 20, 2024

Betty’s House

265 Senda Ladera, Watsonville

Park on driveway or road. Parking is limited, so carpool if possible. Click on map symbol for map, address and written directions.


May 27, 2024

Memorial Day - No paintout scheduled

June 3, 2024

Lexington Reservoir County Park, Los Gatos

Park in the first parking lot off Alma Bridge Road. Parking fee $10. Restrooms available. Click on map symbol for map and written directions.


June 10, 2024

Santa Cruz Surfing Museum/Lighthouse, Santa Cruz

Park at the Surfing Museum/Lighthouse. If parking lot is full, there are several parking lots along West Cliff Drive. Restrooms available. Click on map symbol for map, address and written directions.


June 17, 2024

Mt. Umunhum, San Jose

Located at the top of Mt. Umunhum road, approximately 5.3 miles past the intersection with Hicks Road. Restrooms available. Click on map symbol for map, address and written directions.


June 24, 2024

Gizdich Ranch, Watsonville

There is a bakery with pies and an antique shop here as well as the ranch grounds. Click on map symbol for map and written directions.



New* & Returning Members
Carol Bower
Linda Harris
Dave Head
Jacob Moradzadeh
John Perez
Julie Rossmassler*

Member News

Return Showing:
Fleeting Moments at Voyager Coffee

Last year's Kennedy Road Art Show titled Fleeting Moments was hosted by LGAA member Hershel Abelman and will be on display from May 3 through August 31 at Voyager Coffee, 3985 Stevens Creek Blvd, Santa Clara.

The LGAA Artists whose artwork appears in the show include Hershel Abelman, Susanne Koga, Suzanne Levy, and LaRhee Webster.

See the Map for Directions

Silicon Valley Open Studios (SVOS)

SVOS does a great service to our arts community by opening local artists' studios to the public the first three weekends in May. We encourage our members to participate as much as possible. Exhibiting LGAA members' names are listed here.  Go to to view or download the 2024 Directory to see their site locations and dates.

Borgman, Kathleen
Butler-Graham, Susan
Curtis, Linda
Duffy, Kay
Haines, Annie
Host, Marilynn
Janoff, Jeff
Lu, Wenlan
Marquez, Kaaren
Nussbaum, Stacey
Owen, Jeff
Stonesifer, David
Tidwell, Michelle
Wallace, Ken
Webster, LaRhee
Wong Cervera, Eileen

If your name should be added to or removed from this list, please notify Jane...


LGAA Ad in
Silicon Valley Open Studios
2024 Directory...

This ad and the list of exhibiting artists' names, the exhibition dates, and locations are in the SVOS 2024 Directory. To view it, click the button below.

SVOS Directory

LGAA Board Members

President, Jane Loomis (Interim),
First Vice President, OPEN POSITION
Second Vice President, Suzanne Levy
Recording Secretary, Kris Rogers, Susanne Koga
Treasurer, Susan Jochheim,
Corresponding Secretary, Kat Williamson
Membership, Suzanne Levy (Interim)
Webmaster, Marilyn Haley,
Newsletter Editor, OPEN POSITION 
Historian, Steve Lopez
Parliamentarian, Jeff Janoff

Committee Chairpersons
Awards, Ken Wallace (Peer Review Members Gallery)
Plein Air, Annie Haines
Programs, Jane Loomis, (Interim), Eileen Cervera, co-chair
Instagram Members Gallery, Suzanne
Hospitality, Kari Kumar
Museums Liaison, Elke Groves
Immediate Past President, Jane Loomis

Mailing Address

PO Box 1193

Los Gatos,  CA  95031

Meeting Address

Congregation Shir Hadash

20 Cherry Blossom Lane

Los Gatos,  CA  95032


Art News?
Upcoming Workshop?

We'll let everyone know!
Send an email to Jane Loomis at or Suzanne Levy at .
Include the name of your event or award, date, a two sentence description, location and address, and event website. You may attach one .jpeg image.

Art Supplies For Sale?
Do you wish you could free up some space in your studio? Advertise here! Send us your information and we will put it in the next newsletter. Send an email to Jane Loomis at