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Homex2024 07 July/Aug Newsletter

July/August 2024


Call for Entries

Members Juried Show
Fall 2024 

Opens Online — October 1, 2024

Entry Deadline — September 11, 2024

Prospectus and Entry Details

Kennedy Road Art Show

"Water in Motion"

July 19 through 28

15155 Kennedy Rd, Los Gatos 

Members and the public are invited to attend.
Hosted by LGAA Members Hershel Abelman and Ingeborg Jakobson.

Event Schedule




Letter from the President

Fall Members Juried Show
The Call for Entries for the 2024 Fall Members Juried Show (MJS) has been announced on our website and emailed to all current members. This gives members a full three months to create some new art for this show, which opens October 1st online. I hope many of you participate, and I strongly encourage you to do so whether or not you have ever participated in a juried show. It's a joy to see art done by our new members, and then see their art and that of our long-time members evolve and change over time. Each juried show provides a snapshot of LGAA's 76-year history.

For our upcoming MJS, the new coordinators Sue Levy and Jeff Janoff have vetted a new show entry website we will be using called ShowSubmit. Check out their beautiful website and see our Prospectus and entry details here. If you have used OnlineJuriedShows for submitting entries in the past, this new website ShowSubmit will be very easy to use.

LGAA Seniors
Thank you to those who send me emails or call to let me know how you are doing. There are so many touching stories that I wish I could share. Many of our senior members over 65 are in their 70s, 80s and even 90s and make up 60% of our membership. Though several can't get out to meetings much anymore, many still follow what we do. Some are dealing with health challenges, while others have become caretakers of loved ones who struggle to maintain a reasonable quality of life at home. Some can still create new art, while others can enjoy seeing our members' art online. To those of you in these situations, we send you our love and best wishes.

Two New LGAA Officers
Two members have accepted positions as LGAA officers. Eileen Cervera volunteered to be our Newsletter Editor, and Kari Kumar volunteered to be Hospitality Chair. Thank you both!

School's Out!
Many of you are caring for your kids or grandkids, home from school for the summer. I hear you! It can be a challenge to have to suddenly drop your brushes, or to try to concentrate with noise and distractions at home. But take heart... I have an idea for you and your young ones!

A visit to any major Art Museum is worth the trip, but I highly recommend taking your youngsters to the Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University in Palo Alto. It's free, and you can get a treasure hunt booklet for your child to locate art treasures hidden in certain rooms. This keeps the tyke engaged in the art, while you get to enjoy the art that interests you. It's a win/win! If you visit on a Saturday or Sunday, you can avoid the need to download a special app for weekday parking. For more information, visit the Website

Summer Reading
How about delving into some art-inspired reading this summer? Two books loved by many artists are 
The Art Spirit by Robert Henri and The Artists' Way (and its companion workbook) by Julia Cameron. All are available on Kindle and Audible if that's your preferred method for reading. Do you know of other art-related books you'd like to recommend? Let me know, and I'll compile a list to share another time.

See Coastal Art and Escape the Heat
There's a plethora of art shows and competitions taking place in many towns around the bay this summer. All are worth checking out. If you like cooler summer weather, four nearby locations just a reasonable drive away offer some beautiful art galleries worth visiting. They include Carmel, Santa Cruz, Half Moon Bay, and San Francisco. Two Half Moon Bay galleries are currently featuring some LGAA artists. For more information, see Member News below.

While it's great fun and inspirational to see good art, as artists our higher goal might be better served by being the ones who create the art. With the longer days of early summer filled with sunlight for painting or sculpting in natural light, there's no better time than NOW.

Demo Meetings Resume in September
Reminder—Our regular meetings, which include a demo and the Members' Peer Review (Gallery and Contest), resume September 8th. There will be one more issue of the Palette newsletter with the details shortly before that.

Best wishes for a happy summer,

Jane Loomis
LGAA President

"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see."— Edgar Degas

Paint with the Plein Air Group

The Plein Air Group meets every Monday from 10 am to 1 pm at various locations around the Bay Area and sometimes beyond.  Annie Haines arrives early each Monday to greet artists as they arrive. Look for the LGAA orange cone to find the group. Be prepared for weather changes by having layers of clothing.

Artists of all experience levels using any media are welcome to attend. Guests are always welcome to paint with the group and might consider joining LGAA at some point. Reservations aren't needed to attend. Just show up! If you have questions you can email Annie from the website's Contact page.

July & August Paintsites

Bean Hollow

July 1, 2024

Bean Hollow State Beach, Pescadero

Park in the Northern parking lot, also known as Pebble Beach at Bean Hollow State Beach. Pit toilets. Click on map symbol for map and written directions.


Shoreline Park

July 8, 2024

Shoreline Park, Mountain View

Restrooms available. Click on map symbol for map, address and written directions.


Quail Hollow

July 15, 2024

Quail Hollow Ranch County Park, Felton

Drive down the road until you see the Park on the right. Blue outdoor facilities in parking area. Click on the map symbol for map and written directions.


July 22, 2024

Hershel Abelman’s House

Los Gatos

Park in lot next to driveway. Look for the orange LGAA cone. Stay for opening of the art exhibition at the Cottage on Hershel’s property. Restrooms available. Click on map symbol for address, map and written directions.


July 29, 2024

Capitola Beach Esplanade

Meter parking on Esplanade in front of beach - look for LGAA orange cone. Click on map icon for exact location and written directions. Restrooms available.


August 5, 2024

Los Alamitos Creek

San Jose

Park in neighborhood. No facilities. Click on map symbol for map and written directions.


August 12, 2024

Fitzgerald Marine Reserve

Moss Beach

Park at Fitzgerald Marine Ranger Station - look for LGAA Plein Air Painters cone. Cross road and head up trail to views. Restrooms available. Click on map symbol for exact location and written directions.


August 19, 2024

Edenvale Gardens Regional Park

San Jose

Parking lot on S end of park. Restrooms available by playground area on N side of park. Click on map symbol for map, address and written directions.


August 26, 2024

Natural Bridges State Beach

Santa Cruz

Park in main parking lot. $10 parking fee. Restrooms available. Click on map symbol for map, address and written directions.


Raffle Winners
Each month a raffle is held for those who submit a piece of art to display in the Online Members Gallery on Instagram. The winner receives a $25 gift certificate for art supplies. Every monthly contributor receives one credit point toward the Artist of the Year Contest.

June 2024:  Kim Marie Smith

Spring Hike 
                            11" x 14" Acrylic

May 2024:  Jo Ariko

16" x 20" Oil
April 2024:  Michelle Tidwell

Seine View                                       
24" x 20" Oil

Member News

Iconic California
Plein Air Show

LGAA members in the show:
Andy Ballantyne
Teresa Beyer
Ellen Howard

Leslie Landers
Will Maller
Al Shamble
LaRhee Webster
Marianne Woosley

Coastal Arts League
300 Main St. Half Moon Bay, CA
July 4 through August 25, 2024


Reception: Saturday, July 61-4pm

 All Artists + Art in the Show

93rd Annual California
Landscape Exhibition

LGAA members participating
Leslie Landers
LaRhee Webster
Marianne Woosley

Santa Cruz Art League
526 Broadway, Santa Cruz, CA
July 17 - September 14, 2024

Reception: Friday, Aug 2,

Gallery Open Hours
Wednesday - Saturdays 1-4 pm

SCAL Website
Welcome New Members

Leslie M Autery

Jeffrey Yang

Louisa Zhao

Bonnie Joy Sedlak

Bonnie Joy Sedlak"s watercolors were accepted in five national juried shows in 2024, including California Watercolor Association National, Watercolor Art Society of Houston International, Yosemite Renaissance, California Art Club Traditions in Fine Art "Summer Sensations" and San Diego Watercolor Society plein air show. Her watercolor titled "Infinity" is in the Houston International shown here.

Infinity  watercolor

Summer Symphony   Oil

Eileen Wong Cervera

Eileen Wong Cervera won an Honorable Mention Award at the California Art Club's online show "The Sensations of Summer" June 21 - September 19, 2024 for her artwork "Summer's Symphony." See Exhibition and Winners here
Eileen's art is also on display in a group show July to September at the Ocean Blue Vault, 643 Main Street, Half Moon Bay.  Artists' reception is Saturday, July 6, 12-3 pm website
Ellen Howard

Ellen Howard is participating June 29th to August 3rd in a group exhibition titled "California Wildflowers" at Holton Studio Gallery in Berkeley along with fellow artists and LGAA's past demo artists Kim Lordier and Paul Kratter. See more information here.

New Beginning 12" x 12" oil

LGAA Board Members

President, Jane Loomis (Interim),
First Vice President, OPEN POSITION
Second Vice President, Suzanne Levy
Recording Secretary, Kris Rogers, Susanne Koga
Treasurer, Susan Jochheim,
Corresponding Secretary, Kat Williamson
Membership, Suzanne Levy,
Webmaster, Marilyn Haley,
Newsletter Editor, Eileen Cervera,
Historian, Steve Lopez
Parliamentarian, Jeff Janoff

Committee Chairpersons
Awards, Ken Wallace (Peer Review Members Gallery)
Plein Air, Annie Haines
Programs, Jane Loomis, Eileen Cervera, co-chairs
Instagram Members Gallery, Suzanne Levy
Hospitality, Kari Kumar
Museums Liaison, Elke Groves

Mailing Address

PO Box 1193

Los Gatos,  CA  95031

Meeting Address

Congregation Shir Hadash

20 Cherry Blossom Lane

Los Gatos,  CA  95032


Art News?
Upcoming Workshop?

We'll let everyone know!
Send an email to Eileen Cervera and Jane Loomis at

Include the name of your event or award, date, a maximum two sentence description that includes the location and address, and event website. You may attach one .jpeg image. 

Art Supplies For Sale?
Do you wish you could free up some space in your studio? Advertise here! Send us your information and we will put it in the next newsletter. Send an email to Jane Loomis at