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Home2024 09 Sept/Oct Newsletter

September/October 2024


Sunday, Sept 8, 1:30-3:30 pm

Robert Dvorak

Painting a Panorama


Congregation Shir Hadash

20 Cherry Blossom Lane

Los Gatos



Robert is a prolific artist, art teacher, and world-wide workshop presenter. He returns to LGAA to demonstrate how to paint a panorama to maximize its balance, harmony, and visual appeal.

Robert's knowledge and engaging teaching style attracts artists of all levels using any media. Not all fine artists can teach, but Robert's ability to teach and inspire can be considered among the best. Visit his Website to learn more about him and to see examples of some of his work.

Sunday, Oct 13, 1:30 -3:30 pm

Toaa Dallo

Painting a Portrait in Oils


Congregation Shir Hadash

20 Cherry Blossom Lane

Los Gatos


LGAA proudly presents Toaa Dallo, who has taught classes and intensive workshops at his Santa Cruz Art Studios since 1994 and has also given numerous lectures and demonstrtions for art clubs and organizations. In 2012 he begn teaching classes and all-day workshops at Palace Art in Capitola, where he has worked with thousands of students of all ages, interests, and needs.

Toaa's beautiful work is included in many private and corporate collections and has been seen in art shows and galleries principally in the San Francisco Bay Area. Those who attend this demo are sure to benefit from Toaa's masterful artistry combined with his many years of experience as a teacher.

Letter from the President

I hope you had an enjoyable summer, and that your transition into fall is an easy one.  Any parents or grandparents caring for school-age children can find adjusting to the school routine a bit of a challenge, but the upside is gaining some quiet time at home to work on their art.

Scheduling our Fall Members Juried Show at a convenient time for everyone can also be a challenge. Having it in October can pose a crunch to those vacationing in September (myself included). On the other hand, scheduling it in November in past years created an overlap for some with their holiday preparations.

To avoid the latter, we scheduled this year's online event in October.  I'm sending multiple reminders in hopes of a good turnout. I've been hearing reports that submitting entries has been easy using our new platform ShowSubmit, so give it a try if you haven't done so already. Best wishes getting your art pieces submitted. The juror may select up to three images, so I encourage you to submit all you can. The link to the Prospectus and Entry Details is in the next section.

I'm excited about the two upcoming demos we have planned... Robert Dvorak on September 8th and Tallo Doaa on October 13th.  Both artists bring a wealth of talent and teaching experience to make watching their demos fun and rewarding experiences. 

As you may know, I attempted to retire as president of LGAA last year after serving two 2-year terms. I decided to stay longer while we seek well-qualified people to fill the positions of president and 1st vice-president. Ideally we would promote current board members already familiar with how the various arms of the club operate. For a variety of reasons, many of the current board members, though very capable, are unable to move up. The bottom line is we need a few more volunteer board members who feel they can grow to fill these top positions with time and training.

If you have an inkling to give it a try, please contact me at and let me know. If you know others who might be able, please urge them to contact me as well.

Best wishes for a delightful autumn,

Jane Loomis
LGAA President

"When the creative impulse sweeps over you, grab it. You grab it and honor it and use it, because momentum is a rare gift. "

— Justina Chen Headley, North of Beautiful


"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art."
— Andy Warhol

Fall Members Juried Show
Entry Deadline — September 24

Acceptance Notifications — October 7
Exhibition Opens Online — October 13
Awards Announced at Demo Meeting — October 13
Demo 1:30 - 3:30 pm, Awards at 3:30 pm

Prospectus and Entry Details

Welcome New Members

Mahmuda Begum
Karen White
Carol A Woodard
Jeffrey Yang

Paint with the Plein Air Group

The Plein Air Group meets every Monday from 10 am to 1 pm at various locations around the Bay Area and sometimes beyond.  Annie Haines arrives early each Monday to greet artists as they arrive. Look for the LGAA orange cone to find the group. Be prepared for weather changes by having layers of clothing.

Artists of all experience levels using any media are welcome to attend. Guests are always welcome to paint with the group and might consider joining LGAA at some point. Reservations aren't needed to attend. Just show up! If you have questions you can email Annie from the website's Contact page.

September & October Paintsites

September 2, 2024

Labor Day - No Paintout

September 9, 2024

Baylands Nature Preserve,

Palo Alto

Restrooms available. Park past the duck pond to the Lucy Evans Interpretive Center. Turn R into parking lot. Click on map symbol for map, address and written directions.


September 16, 2024

Almaden Quicksilver Hacienda Entrance

Look for LGAA Plein Air painters sign. Restrooms available. Click on map symbol for map and written directions.


September 23, 2024

Manresa State Beach, Watsonville

Restroom available.There is a $10 day use fee ($9 for seniors over 62). Click on map symbol for map and written directions.


September 30, 2024

Vasona Park, Los Gatos

Park in parking lot by restrooms - look for LGAA Plein Air painters sign. Click on map icon for exact location and written directions. Restrooms available.


October 7, 2024

Guglielmo Winery, Morgan Hill

Look for the orange cone. Restrooms available. Click on the map symbol for map, address and written directions.


October 14, 2024

Belgatos Park, Los Gatos

Restrooms available. Click on map symbol for map, address and written directions.


October 21, 2024

Wilder Ranch, Santa Cruz

Park at the Wilder Ranch State Park Day Use Parking. Parking fee $10. Restrooms available. Click on map symbol for map and written directions.


October 28, 2024

Alum Rock Park, San Jose

Mineral Springs Parking Lot (last one) - look for LGAA Plein Air painters signRestrooms available. Click on map symbol for exact map and written directions.


Raffle Winners

July 2024: Norman Jung

Bottle Brush 
11" x 15" Watercolor

Each month a raffle is held for those who submit a piece of art to display in the Online Members Gallery on Instagram. The winner is chosen with the online Picker Wheel random number generator and receives a $25 gift certificate for art supplies. Every monthly contributor receives one credit point toward the Artist of the Year Contest.

Congratulations Norman Jung and LaRhee Webster!

August 2024:  LaRhee Webster

Poppies and Paintbrushes at Point Lobos          
11" x 14" Oil on Linen

Member News

LaRhee Webster

LaRhee Webster has been juried into the Pacific Art League "Memory Lane" exhibition September 6th - 24th. Artist reception is on Friday September 6th, 5:30pm - 8:00pm at 668 Ramona Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301. 

Waiting on the Dock at Foothills Park  
18" x 24"   Oil on Linen panel 

Eileen Wong Cervera
Eileen will be participating in an exhibition of 16 artists SFOS Weekend #2 - September 28th & 29th at Leon Event Hall, 5051 Mission St. San Francisco. For list of artists click here.

Noon at Eagle Falls   16" x 11" Oil on Panel
Ellen Howard
Ellen is participating in a 9-woman exhibition Ladies of Light Septeber 5 - October 7 at Carmel Fine Art, Dolores 2 NW of 6th Ave. in Carmel. Website  Reception September 7, 4:30 - 6:30 pm ... RSVP 

Beauty and the Beach           20" x 20" oil

Classes and Workshops 

John Giannotti

John Giannotti, past president of LGAA, is teaching a watercolor class through the JCC. It starts this Monday, Sept 9. Twelve sessions start on September 9th and end on December 9th.  |  5:00-6:30 pm

If anyone is interested they can sign up on the

JCC Website

"Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist."

        — Pablo Picasso
Ellen Howard 

Ellen Howard is teaching a 3-day workshop in Pescadero September 13-15 for artists of all levels. The deadline to register is September 6th. For details, visit the Society of Western Artists' Website

LGAA Board Members

President, Jane Loomis (Interim),
First Vice President, OPEN POSITION
Second Vice President, Suzanne Levy
Recording Secretary, Kris Rogers, Susanne Koga
Treasurer, Susan Jochheim,
Corresponding Secretary, Kat Williamson
Membership, Suzanne Levy,
Webmaster, Marilyn Haley,
Newsletter Editor, Eileen Cervera,
Historian, Steve Lopez
Parliamentarian, Jeff Janoff

Committee Chairpersons
Awards, Ken Wallace (Peer Review Members Gallery)
Plein Air, Annie Haines
Programs, Jane Loomis, Eileen Cervera, co-chairs
Instagram Members Gallery, Suzanne Levy
Hospitality, Kari Kumar
Museums Liaison, Elke Groves

Mailing Address

PO Box 1193

Los Gatos,  CA  95031

Meeting Address

Congregation Shir Hadash

20 Cherry Blossom Lane

Los Gatos,  CA  95032


Art News?
Upcoming Workshop?

We'll let everyone know!
Send an email to Eileen Cervera and Jane Loomis at

Include the name of your event or award, date, a maximum two sentence description that includes the location and address, and event website. You may attach one .jpeg image. 

Art Supplies For Sale?
Do you wish you could free up some space in your studio? Advertise here! Send us your information and we will put it in the next newsletter. Send an email to Jane Loomis at